S. Number Part Number ITEM DESCRIPTION Images
1 D4840319 1024PPR, Eltra/Tantex, encoder
2 D4840158 1204, Lonati machine, encoder
3 D4840841 0.70W, 10mm FAS, Lonati
4 G1900543 Lonati. EV 10mm
5 D4840140 10mm white connector
6 D4840090 10mm black E.V.
7 D4080201 Toe close knife
8 D4080299 G1080208, L615
9 D4080240 Hard alloy, 17.10mm Long
10 D4080066 Hard alloy, two-hole cutter
11 D4080107 Hard alloy, two-hole cutter
12 D4080106 Had alloy, two hole knife
13 D4840714 10mm EV, black
14 D4080177 3 3/4", 50Teeth
15 D4080171 4" x 6T x50Z, cutter
16 D4900832 15mm, NC, 2.30-2.50W, Pneumax
17 D4900833 15mm, NO, 2.30-2.50W, FAS
18 180-1426-00-9 15mm, NO. longer, FAS, Matec
19 D4840445 86mm, 4 cable, cylinder motor
20 D4840337 56mm, 4 cable, motor
21 D4840444 56mm, 4 cable motor
22 0346376 Rubber seal, 18.50-11.42-2.55, NBR70
23 0346374 Lonati rubber seal, Tantex 16.35-9.42-2.72, NBR70
24 D4841290 proximity, M5, AMP
25 D4841292 Proximity, M8, AMP 27 inch cable
26 D4840054 M8, white, black reading end,
27 D4840218 Proximity, 35cm, M5
28 D4840043 Proximity, M8, two-cable, blue,
29 0406021 Proximity, M5, blue,
30 D4840195 Proximity, 3 pin on one side, AMP, 22cm,
31 D4840649 Proximity, 52cm, white M5
32 U8840159 Proximity, AMP, 3 pin on one side
32 0430018 L454, black keyboard cover
33 0430996 Keypad, L61Q
34 0439497 Keyboard
35 0430019 Keyboard, switch
36 0379035 WAC data actuator
37 0379200 Matrix actuator
38 0379109 WAC, NPS8, driver board
39 D4840210 PCB board,
40 D4840130 PCB board
41 D4840512 PCB connector
42 G1840130 Connector Board
43 U8840004 10mm valve, with small white
44 0379047 WAC board 4x2
45 U8900218 EV. NO.
46 U8900219 EV. NO 15mm
47 D4840058 Hard alloy, one hole knife
48 0379189 Fitting
49 D4900698 15mm EV. air valve
50 D2070400 Ceramic
51 D4070583 White ceramic tube
52 D4370012 M5 x 3.17, straight
53 0374020 Elbow M5 x 3.17 fitting
54 4740015 Oil seal
55 0346384 Oil Seal
56 0346369 Oil seal
57 0346373 Oil seal
58 3071520 Steel tube 2.50 x 12mm
59 U6070420 Yarn finger tube 1.80 x 15
60 D4070198 Yarn finger tube 2.00 x 10mm
61 D4070284 Yarn finger tube 2.00 x 14
62 D4070237 Ceramic tension disc
63 R Lever 050309, 0379082, Unit-D4900983
64 S Lever 050310, 0379083
65 T Lever 050311, 0379084
66 U Lever 050312, 0879085
67 W Lever
68 V Lever
78 I Lever 0379126
79 J Lever 0379127
80 G1080208 Lonati, hard alloy cutter
81 D4840723 Resolver
82 D4921379 Exit 3.17 x M5
83 U8900084 Brass M5-one cable AMP
84 D4921126 Pen piston, fitting
85 0379189 Exit 3.17 x M5
86 0401532 BTSR Sensor - U type,
87 D4070236 Tension disc, steel
88 U8140004 BTSR spring
89 0104212 Air piston 6-10,
90 0401272 Plastic plate, 65.30 x 0.73 -
91 0401262 Ceramic bush- O6.42 x I3.78 x H5.75
92 0401292 Plastic plage 30 x 1.50mm.
93 0401093 BTSR sensor, Lonati FL65
94 D4900878 BTSR, L412, same as 0401093
95 0401082 BTSR sensor, D4900878
96 0401162 Air piston, 610
97 0373217 Air piston 610
98 U8848008 1+1 EV, double cylinder
99 0515752 oil outlet
100 D4900211 stud with spring
101 D4730014 pressure sensor
102 D4920827 soft shaft
103 D4260049 drive shaft
104 U8848009 1+1 EV, double cylinder
105 D4240166 coupling
106 0366480 encoder coupling
107 D4900501 nylon feeder
108 D4901004 Bistable valve Sale
109 D5840013 46 x 15mm, 2 cable, AMP connector
110 D4900861 Lonati Shaft Unit Sale
111 D4900866 Lonati Shaft Unit Sale
112 G1840062 Motor
113 D4840584 Cavo/Cable 220mm, Motor
114 0341041 Toothed Belt
115 D4901170 Shaft/D4260181 + D4260178/Bush
116 0434092 Colared display
117 0430028 Keyboard
118 0515780 G54JCT. Oil press sensor
119 D4840676 Motor, 4 cable + white
120 0401062 6x10 piston, no screw
121 D4921638 Lonati air pipe connector Sale
122 D4730042 D4921638 Unit
123 0439497 Keyboard, large screen GL544
124 0430046 Keyboard narrow screen GL54J
125 0439392 Keyboard Narrow, Lonati GL54JL
126 G1920457 Red Rubber Wheel Image
127 G1920347 Red Rubber Wheel Image
128 G1840062 Sinker Cap Motor Image
129 G1920395 Step Motor Image
130 S1840004 Step Motor Image
131 G1840007 Stepping Motor Image
132 M810130 Motor Image
133 M810110 Motor Image
134 M902770 Motor Image
135 0379326 Lever 10, Lonati GL516 Image
136 0379327 WAC lever 20, Lonati GL516 Image
137 0379261 Lever LS, in D4901195 Image
138 0379262 Lever LT Image
139 0379264 Lever LU Image
140 0379265 Lever LV Image
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